Our work focuses on the ways in which religious communities can better welcome, support, and embrace people with disabilities and their families. We are equipping and supporting pastors, ministry leaders, parachurch organizations, and denominations to create accessible and inviting faith communities. We are also exploring how service systems can honor the spiritual values and priorities of people with disabilities and their families.
Current Studies and Projects:
Church Stories: Learning from Parents of Children and Youth with Disabilities
- This study focuses on the church experiences and insights of families impacted by disability. Based on what we learn, we will create new resources that churches and parents can use to help young people with developmental disabilities grow in their faith.
Disability, Religion, and Spirituality Database
- This searchable collection of journal articles, books, and other resources brings together diverse information related to religion and spirituality.
Bridges to Belonging: Accessible Ministry with Youth and Young Adults
- This five-year project—funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Thriving Congregations Initiative—is helping congregations embrace young people who have disabilities, mental health challenges, and chronic illnesses. It is a unique collaboration among George W. Truett Theological Seminary, the Center for Church and Community Impact, and the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities. For more information, contact Elyse McMullen.
National Study of Disability and Ministry
- This research project explores the current landscape of disability and ministry in the United States, as well as its impact within the church. We are learning from 200 churches in 48 states that are actively involved in ministry to, with, and/or by people with disabilities and their families. For more information, contact Erik Carter.
Vocational Calling in Disability Professions
- This study explores the vocational calling in the lives of special educators and disability service providers. For more information, contact Erik Carter.
Worship as One: Learning with Children with Disabilities about Worship and Prayer
- This multi-year project is inviting, equipping, and supporting churches and families to re-envision the ways in which children with developmental disabilities participate in worship and prayer. This partnership between Baylor University and With Ministries is funded by the Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. For more information, contact Erik Carter.