Parent Supports
Flourishing Futures Workshop Series
The Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities is launching the Flourishing Futures Workshop Series. In this series, we will provide trainings related to transition to adulthood assessment and planning for youth and young adults with disabilities. Parent and youth/young adult workshops will be held concurrently.
There are no events for the date(s) selected.
Behavior Management Strategies
- Are you a parent of a child with autism? Do you want to learn behavior management strategies? The BCDD is hosting an eight-week parent support group.
- Session topics include: Behavioral Principles, Prevention Strategies, Daily Schedules, Reinforcement, Planning Ignoring, and Functional Communication Training
- When offered, this series is held weekly for 8 consecutive weeks.
- Location: BCDD Clinic (2201 MacArthur Dr. Suite 101)
- For more information contact the BCDD at or call (254) 710-7677
Spanish Parent Support Group
El Centro Baylor para Discapacidades del Desarrollo ofrece un grupo de apoyo en español para padres de niños con discapacidades. Todos los padres están invitados. ¡La inscripción incluye la cena! Regístrese de forma gratuita con el siguiente enlace. (The Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities is offering a Spanish support group for parents of children with disabilities. All parents are invited. Registration includes dinner!)