Our work focuses on resourcing and supporting parents, siblings, and other caregivers for their lifelong journey as family members. We are expanding clinical services and research focused on early identification, assessment, and intervention. We are also developing practical resources and training to address the pressing needs of diverse families throughout our city, region, and state. To get involved in this signature area, contact Dr. Gospel Kim.
Current studies and projects include:
Respite Care, Families, and Flourishing
- This study examines the impact of respite care on parents and their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To learn more, contact Erik Carter or Sarah Mire.
- The Sibling Success program helps increase positive interactions between your child with autism and their sibling(s). The children will practice selected skills, participate in group activities for siblings, and learn about autism & strategies to use with their sibling with autism.
- If you would like to be a part of this research study, you can call (254) 710-4444 or email siblingsuccess@baylor.edu.
Family Compassionately and Attentively Rendering Evidence-based practices (Family CARE)
- The goal of the Family CARE project is to provide parents of children with autism with high quality training and support to deliver evidence-based practices for their child. The Family CARE team will deliver in-person training across Texas, prioritizing rural and low-income regions and alternative online synchronous training for parents who are unable to attend in person.
- For more information, contact familycare@baylor.edu.
Caregivers as Change Agents Training Series
- The Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities will offer quarterlycaregiver training sessions. This year’s topics will revolve around the topic of transition to adulthood for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Topics will include transition assessment and planning, independent living, employment and more!
- For more information, please contact the BCDD clinic at (254) 710-7677 or email bcdd@baylor.edu